For preference or debugging purpose, you may want to disable the Matter animation in the RANDOM plugins. It's possible although a bit of a hidden feature.
Make sure the plugin is not currently used in a open project. If so, please close the project for the timing of the procedure.
In your file broser, open the folder from this path :
on macOS : /Users/[your user name]/Library/Application Support/Beatsurfing/RANDOM
on Windows : C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\Beatsurfing\RANDOM
for RANDOM Metal, the folder is at :
on macOS : /Users/[your user name]/Library/Application Support/Beatsurfing/RANDOM-Metal
on Windows : C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\Beatsurfing\RANDOM-Metal
NB : you might need to ask your file browser to display hidden files, in order to access this folder.
in this folder, you should find a file called settings.xml
open this file in any text editor, and find the text snippet that looks like this :
and replace it with
save the settings.xml. Now, next time you launch the plugin, the Matter area should only display the XY cross hair controller, without the animation.